The Ceredigion Methodist Circuit recognises that, not only is every person uniquely created in God’s image, but each person enjoys equal worth and importance within Gods family, Our Circuit and in our communities.
Our circuit respects all aspects of ALL people including race, ethnicity, gender, identity, orientation, neurodiversity, mental or physical health, family circumstance, social or economic background, age, religion, ability, and size.
We seek to be a fully inclusive church in which all, including people who identify as LGBTQIA+ feel and find our churches a safe and welcoming place.
Our circuit is committed to marriage equality with both our Churches (St Paul’s Aberystwyth and St Thomas’ Lampeter) registered to conduct marriages of same sex couples.
We are also registered with Inclusive Church
We integrate our ongoing commitment to equality and inclusion throughout our churches and our worship, such as St Paul’s annual observance and memorial service for Transgender Day of Remembrance and Inclusive Church Sunday services for both St Paul’s and St Thomas’
The Ceredigion Circuit has an appointed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) officer and (as of autumn 2023) have also employed an EDI Outreach and Support Worker. This employed role is to develop the mission, ministry and pastoral support within the Ceredigion Circuit among people who identify as Neurodiverse, LGBTQIA+ and the Pay as you Feel community at St Paul’s.
We seek to create an environment where every member, friend, or visitor, and all we come into contact with, will be respected, appreciated and welcomed for who they are.