Junior Church
Details Coming Soon
Youth Work
Sunday Youth at St Paul's
Teenagers meet regularly on a Sunday morning at 10:30, while the morning service is happening. We look at the bible, play games, and eat and drink. We have occasional outings - we’ve been on an outside activities weekend and to a national Methodist Youth get-together in the last year. Do come and join us if you’re of secondary school age.
Stay & Play
Come and be part of our fun Lighthouse Stay & Play!
After nine wonderful years we have completed our Messy Church ministry. In its place we will be starting an exciting new venture; Lighthouse Stay & Play. These will be a series of all age seasonal events that will be different each time
We regularly run a Lighthouse Stay & Play Stall at the Aberystwyth Christmas Light Switch on in late November or early December, and In June or July we also run a stall at the Menter Aberystwyth Town Fête
If you would like to learn more please get in touch
St Paul's is within walking distance of Aberystwyth University
and we are delighted to share our discipleship with the University students.
The Church has a longstanding relationship with the University and students enjoy worshipping with us on Sunday mornings. Some students also enjoy playing in our band.
We also hold a number of weekly activities aimed at Students.
All activities at the church unless indicated otherwise.
Open Space
Sunday evenings 5pm during term time. Contemporary and relevant worship followed by free hot food.
Manse Mondays
Mondays 6.30 - 8.30 during term time. A free hot meal and a chance to socialise with other students. Currently held at St Paul's. Contact the church for further details about this.
Games Night
Friday evenings 7-9 during term time. Board games, table tennis and pool.
Tea and coffee available.
Baby Boogie
Come and join us!
A friendly baby and toddler group based in St Paul's. We meet each Thursday morning during term time to sing, play, have a snack and make friends.
9:30am - 11am Thursdays during term time. £1 donation per family.
Find our Facebook group "Baby Boogie Aberystwyth"
Sausage Sunday & Ysgol Sul
Details coming soon.